On a visit to Mexico, Tom and Jerry save the life of Toro the Terrible, the fiercest bull in Mexico, and he promises to be their friend for life. He gives them free passes to see him fight in Tijuana that day, but as Tom and Jerry walk through the town later, another bull escapes from the stadium and chases them down the street. When Tom inadvertently traps El Rotteno in the back of a truck, he is hailed as a hero and invited to fight Toro in the bull ring. Knowing that Toro is his friend, Tom accepts the offer, and he and the friendly bull put on a fine show together. Unfortunately, Toro sprains his ankle and is replaced by El Rotteno, but Tom manages to subdue the ferocious animal, and he and Jerry are covered in sombreros thrown by the cheering crowd.
- The bullfight sequence is one of 5 occasions on New Tom & Jerry in which Jerry appears without his red bow tie; others are "The Wacky World Of Sports," "Beach Bully," "The Supercape Caper" and "The Ski Bunny."
- The bullfight sequence probably parallels Tom & Jerry's mock bullfight scene in the 1957 MGM T&J theatrical, Mucho Mouse.
- El Rotteno's horns and hooves are a much darker gray than Toro's.
- "The Bull Fighters" recycles 'bullring' underscore first used in a 1963 Flintstones episode.
On an cruise liner en route to Hawaii, the Captain places mascot Spike in charge of security and gives him a whistle to blow whenever he spots something suspicious. Tom and Jerry become unexpected stowaways on the ship, and when Spike sees them in the 1st class section, playing shuffleboard, in the captain's foot locker, and in the kitchen, he blows his whistle to alert the Captain, but is unable to prove his findings! As the Captain attempts to ease his ship into port at Hawaii, Spike successfully lures T&J into a trap and contacts his Captain by phone and blowing his whistle into it; so startled is Captain by the whistle he accidentally throws the ship into gear and crashes it into a wharf! This proves to be the final straw for The Captain, who tosses Spike into the brig to avoid more harm. As Captain enjoys leisure time waterskiing, Spike spots Tom and Jerry on a catamaran and blows his whistle once more, which sends Captain leaping up onto T&J's catamaran. He then offers T&J jobs on his cruise ship, because "the one I have now is whistle-happy!"
- Influenced by the 1952 MGM T&J classic Cruise Cat.
- Don Messick returns to voice Spike in his final appearance on the show.
For the second time on the series Spike is put in charge of security, following
his brief watchdog stint in #80-12, "Watch Out, Watch Dog."
- Tom speaks once more, saying "Mmmm! Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum!"
- Tom & Jerry previously stowed away in Episode #80-03, "No Way Stowaways."